Sunday, January 19, 2014

Waffled Sweet Potato Hashbrowns

I have been wanting to try this for a while.  On the whole, it's an easy dish, but getting the waffle out of the maker was a bit tricky. 

I started with one onion and one large sweet potato. This will easily make 3 waffles. You can also throw in a garlic clove if you like.

Give your veggies a little wiz in the food processor. 

Next up, heat up some olive or coconut oil in a pan and put your potato mixture in that. I just wanted to soften my potatoes up some, no need to cook all the way since it's going in the waffle maker to finish up. I also cut up some bacon into little pieces and added it to the pan. You want to add any seasonings at this point too.

Next up! Waffling!

I'm not going to lie, getting the waffle out was a bitch. I didn't want to add any binding agents that may take from the health value, so it can fall apart easily and burn. 

I ended up flipping it onto a plate very VERY carefully. 

The end result looks really cute, though truly this is more for a visual impression than anything else. 

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