Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Salads In A Jar

This is my favorite way to store my salads for an entire week.

They are super easy to do, and very very healthy. The trick is to make sure that anything that's wet is at the bottom of the jar, and your lettuce part is at the top of the jar.

I start with my dressing first. I take about a third a cup of some sort of vinegar and pour it into the jar. Then I add garlic and pepper and a little bit of salt.

I like to use white balsamic vinegar or some other flavored balsamic vinegar.

Next I'll add my tomatoes and onions, or I might even use some fruit like strawberries or blueberries. Strawberries and blueberries go great with balsamic vinegars.

The next step is the meat part. I like to add some sort of meat to my salad just because it makes it a little more hearty to eat for lunch that lasts me until dinner. 

Sometimes I'll use a very thinly cut steak, or in this case I'll just add some chicken. 

The great thing about these salads is that you can add anything to the jar that you want; your lettuce or spinach leaves or kill leaves, whatever you decide to use you want that at the top and you want to pack it in so that there's no air that gets in and wilts your green. 

I've been known to add mushrooms, sprouts, different kinds of onions, bacon, pretty much anything that you can think of that you would eat and a salad you can put in these jars.

Just be sure to pack in your greens at the top as much as you can, even when you think you put too much in, you really haven't.

It's finally time to stick seal your jars. I don't really think there any instructions needed to show you how to screw the  lid on to a mason jar. If you do need instructions, you may need more help than I can give you.

And that's pretty much it, salads in a jar. Very healthy, fun to make, and super easy.

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