Sunday, April 20, 2014

How to hide an Easter Egg... The foodie way.

So this is how I decided to hide my eggs this year: A twice baked sweet potato with eggs.

I started with a few strips of bacon and 1/2 an onion all cut up. I cooked them until the bacon started getting crispy.

Next I added diced apples. I wanted to add a little sweet to the savory without adding processed sugar.

I baked a large sweet potato for about 45 minutes at 350°. 

Then I cut that sucker open and spooned out the inside, adding it to my pan of bacon, onion and apples. (Reserve a little of the bacon mixture to add later).

Add some butter and mash the potatoes.

Spoon your mixture back into your potato skin.

Make a well large enough to hold an egg (or two).

Put back in the oven for about 15 minutes or until your eggs are done,

I kind of over did one of the eggs, my oven is wonky like that, but it's still all good because I hid my eggs with my left over bacon mixture. I'm sneaky like that.

I'll take my Easter Eggs this way any time.

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