Sunday, June 22, 2014

Chicken, Cabbage, and Avocado Tortilla Soup

I'm really proud of myself on this one. I've always wanted to try tortilla soup, but didn't want to disappoint myself if it came out tasting like donkey balls. Not that I actually know what donkey balls taste like, I'm just assuming... I swear.

But, THIS........... I ate a whole bowl of. No left overs.

This is my new favorite soup. Healthy, filling, with a little crunch from the fresh tortilla chips I made with a little bit of coconut oil (just to keep with the healthy theme). 

I started out by roasting some veggies under the broiler in a cast iron pan.

One small red onion.
Two cloves of garlic.
One jalapeƱo (I did remove the seeds and veins).
And a poblano pepper (I only used half of one because I'm saving the other side for later, but one whole one is not going to hurt anything).

I roasted the peppers, garlic and onion for about 10 minutes, but monitor what you are doing so they don't burn. 

Next up, roast some tomatillos!

I cut them up to quicken the time I needed for roasting. I'd say give them 8-10 minutes under your broiler.

Next throw all your veg into a blender.

Add the zest and juice of one lime.
Salt and pepper to your taste.
1/2 a cup of water.
A bunch of cilantro.
Blend the hell out of it until it reaches smooth consistency.

Then make some red sauce. I confess, I cheated. I bought some fresh made chunky salsa/pico and a small can of diced tomatoes. I blended them up to make a smooth red sauce.

Pour both of your sauces into one pot and add some chicken. I bought mine from the deli already roasted, cuz I'm lazy like that.

Next add your cabbage and some celery. I even include the celery leaves, cuz why not?

Add a little bit of cumin (or a lot, if that is your pref).

I also added some red pepper flakes for a little kick. And yes, I totally took this picture to show off my new cupcake tattoo. Deal with it :p

Finally, add about 4 cups of chicken broth, cover and simmer until the celery and cabbage are cooked. This should not take more than 30 to 45 minutes.

Seriously. Amazing.

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