Monday, July 7, 2014

Tracking what I eat is harder than I thought!

But my intentions were good! 

Anyway, I ate oatmeal for breakfast at work. No picture, but it's oatmeal, after all.

At lunch I had a sliced apple with peanut butter (you can refer to yesterday's post if you need visual.) I'll have that again for dessert if I get hungry later. I also ate a left over stuffed zucchini. 

For dinner, I had this......

A turkey burger with mozzarella cheese and an egg on top. I caramelized some onion, bell pepper and mushrooms, added an avocado and tomatoes too. The drizzle is a balsamic reduction, and since I love balsamic vinegar with blueberries, I added that too.

It was.... WAY too much food. I ate it all. Tis sad. Still need to work on my portion sizes.

Btw, I used coffee grounds for the crust on my burger with garlic seasoning. It's yummy that way. 

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