Friday, April 1, 2011

Is it a salad or a dessert? You make the call... Grape Somethingorother!

Here is why I love making this recipe: There are only THREE ingredients. That's right, three. Which means it's incredibly easy to do, plus it's really really really good.

Take one box of Nilla Wafers and grind up all the cookies into small crumbs. It's okay if you have a few bigger chunks, it won't hurt anything. If you have a lot of aggression you could just beat the tar out of the cookies while still in the box, but I was feeling exceptionally happy, and decided to use my most favorite kitchen gadget ever. My Ninja Blender. This sucker is amazing. It's the multiple blades. It makes me weep at how good it works. Weep I tell ya!

In seconds I ended up with perfect crumbs. SECONDS! S-E-C-O-N-D-S!!!!

Pluck your grapes off the vine, and make sure you get rid of any yucky stems, then wash them. I guess you could wash them while they are are on the vines. I mean, I'm not the boss of you. I just like to do it this way, which is better. Because it's my way. My way is always better.
Repeat that last sentence over and over in your head. Try not to laugh as you do it.

Next whip up your heavy cream. Start out kind of slow, then increase your speed. If you start out too fast you just end up with white specks all over your appliances. You don't want to over whip. You aren't looking for stiff peaks or anything like that.

Next add a little more than half of your cookie crumbs.

Then add your grapes (red seedless). You do not need to cut your grapes in half. Just throw em' in the bowl.

Fold everything together.

At this point, you can put them into any type of serving dish you want. a bowl, a pan, whatever floats your boat. You could stop here and refrigerate over night or you could get a little crazy and decorate.

As you can see, I went a little crazy and decorated. I took the remainder of my cookie crumbs and sprinkled them on top, and because I was worried it looked a little bit like sand, I added some whole cookies to the top of it. And that's it! Great for a pot luck or family get together.

It's Grape Somethingorother!

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