Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sopapilla Cheesecake

Do you know how much I love this recipe? Almost as much as I love my new Vince Camuto heels, and that's saying a lot.
You want to start with a tube of crescent rolls. I actually made two small pans of cheesecake today, so I ended up using about three tubes.

Cover the bottom of your pan of choice with the dough. It does not have to look pretty, it's gonna get covered up anyway.

Take 3 packages of cream cheese out and let them soften.

In a mixer, dump the 3 packages of cream cheese and add 1 1/2 cups of sugar to the bowl.

add 1 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla to the mix.

Beat the 3 ingredients until you get a smooth creamy frosting like texture.

Slather it onto your dough.

Again, it does not have to look pretty because it will be covered up.

Next cover up the cream cheese with another layer of crescent roll dough.

Again, not pretty, but it doesn't matter, this I promise you. It'll look a little like you were patching together Frankenstein's Monster at first, but it won't matter in the end.

Next pour melted butter over the top (1 stick or half a cup is fine)

Just make sure it's all coated.

Now it's time for the sugar (for both of my cakes I used about 1/2 cup of sugar)

Then add the cinnamon. Kind of like you are making a cinnamon roll. I like a lot of cinnamon on mine.

Put in the oven for 45 minutes at 350, or until the dough becomes nice and golden and puffy.

Now you have a dilemma. Do you cut into it while it's warm or wait until it cools down?

Honestly, it doesn't really matter how long you wait. I like mine cool, but it's pretty fandantastic warm too.

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