Sunday, January 13, 2013

Guacamole Salsa

I finally remembered the password to the blog!!!!
To start the new year out, I have changed a few things in my diet. I'm going for more clean foods, fresh, non processed, etc. (Ignore the crackers in the picture above, they are only there for photo op purposes. I swear). To start out the new entry, I'm posting my new favorite salsa recipe.
Guacamole Salsa

You will need
6-8 Tomatillos
1 bunch of cilantro (stems cut)
4 cloves of garlic
6-8 avocados
1 red onion
1 jalapeno (Or to your taste)
1/4 cup lemon juice (fresh)
1/4 cup water
salt and pepper to taste
Put all of the above in a blender and combine until smooth. Taste it to see if you like it. If you think it needs more tomatillo, add more tomatillo. If you think it needs more avocado, add more avocado. If you think it needs more salt, well, that's up to you.
I happen to like it with a little bit of a lemon flavor, make sure it's watered down a bit, otherwise it can be a bit strong, but if you do happen to add a little too much, don't stress. It's great on salads too.
I put this on a roasted chicken breast, and it was heaven on earth. The lemon and the avocado really brightened up the dish.
It stores really well in the fridge, the lemon (I think, anyway) seems to keep it from turning brown like I thought it would.
Post script: I learned a valuable lesson as I started making this. Never turn my back on my basset hound Milo. He stole a bunch of cilantro off my kitchen counter. All I had to do was follow the little leaves around my living room to see the results of his thievery. He looks sweet and innocent, but he's NOT!

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