Saturday, January 10, 2015

Salsa Verde and Eggs

I'm knee deep in prep for a pot luck tonight and wanted a breakfast that would be easy to put together. (By the way, I'm kidding. I'm laying in bed procrastinating getting stuff together). 

So, since I have my slow cooker working on my chile verde stew, I decided to use the salsa verde to cook my eggs. It tasted to flipping good. It made my morning feel like I actually accomished something.

Start by pouring a ladle full of salsa into a warm pan.

Heat it up until the salsa gets nice and bubbly. Crack an egg or two into your pan. 

Let your egg whites cook up and then drop some cheese on top.

I then put my pan under the broiler to finish off the top.

And that's it! I added some pork from my slow cooker too. I needed this to start my day right. Like, really bad y'all.

I'll post a recipe for my version of Salsa Verde later, but essentially, I just roasted some Anaheim peppers, poblano peppers, garlic, tomatillos, onions and cilantro. I Threw all that in a blender with chicken stock and S&P, and I was golden.

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