Saturday, October 12, 2013

Baked Apples

I'm not sure why I never thought to do this in the past, but dang baked apples are freaking good! What a way to greet the fall with a bang of awesome.
This is such a simple recipe. It's literally just and apple, some old fashioned oats, maple syrup, a pinch of salt and some unsalted butter. If you want it a little more sweet, you can add a little bit of brown sugar, but it's less clean when you start adding extra sugar crap. Just try to keep it simple. Oh, and if you don't have maple syrup, use some pancake syrup. It's not clean eating if you use regular pancake syrup, but if you don't tell anyone it doesn't really count now does it?
Core an apple, pretty much any apple you want. I prefer Fuji, but any will do so long as it's not too too too tart.

Take your old fashioned oats (about 1/4 cup for one apple, so half for two). Take about two tablespoons of maple syrup, a pinch of salt and a sliver of unsalted butter and mush it all up together. Take your stuffing and stick it in the cored apple, with a nice little bit to cap it off. I then took another pat of butter and placed it on the top.
Place your apple in an oven safe pan and bake at 325 for about 45 to 50 minutes. You'll know it's done when the crumble is nice and golden on the top and the skin looks like it's about to split. If the skin does split, don't panic, it's all good. Eat it anyway.
You can add some vanilla ice cream if you want, but I like it just as it is.
Think of it as a crustless apple pie.
Appleygoodness right here.

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