Saturday, December 14, 2013

Maple Bacon Scones With Chocolate Chips

Happy Dance! I had a successful baking experience. 

I had a craving for scones in a big way this morning. And maple bacon. And chocolate. So I decided to combine the three in to one awesome breakfast.
Hence, maple bacon scones with chocolate chips. The recipe is below from the All Recipes site. It's super easy. My tip to you is to keep wet and dry ingredients as cool as possible. 

I also made sure to let my dough triangles set in the freezer for about an hour before baking. It helps them rise better and makes them extra flakey. 

I loved loved loved the sweetness from the chocolate and dough with the saltiness of the maple bacon. Mucho yummo right there. MUCHO. 

Scones are beautiful things. They make me feel like I am baking something really fancy, when all I'm really doing is bKing a glorified biscuit.

Enjoy! And if you don't, you have crazy pants.

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