Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Salsa Verde Beef Stew

I am in love with this new to me recipe. A woman from work made it for a pot luck, but she hedged on giving me the recipe for some reason. How rude, right? I asked another woman at work and she gave me a few clues and then I decided to just go for it. 

So here we go, Salsa Verde Beef Stew:

In a blender, put a cup of cilantro, 3-4 cloves of garlic (depending on how garlicky you like your salsa verde), 1 yellow onion, 3 tomatillos and 3 or 4 Roma tomatoes, and 1-2 jalapeƱos. Blend it all up until it looks like this: 

Next up, brown a package of stew meat in a couple tablespoons of olive oil. I did season the meat first with salt and pepper.

Once the meat is browned on all sides, add two peeled and diced potatoes.  Stir it up, add some more S&P and a splash of garlic salt. Next add your salsa verde mixture and one diced onion.

Add 4 cups of water. Let it cook covered for about an hour and add about 4 more cups of water. If you feel like it's too spicy you can add more water if you like. Cook over medium low heat until the meat is tender and comes apart easily as you chew it.  You can add more seasoning as you need it, but the salsa verde is already pretty well seasoned.

Warning: This is a spicy stew, so if you are a complete spice wussie you may want to omit the jalapeƱo.

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