Sunday, December 1, 2013

Rag Garlands Are Keeping Me From Doing Dishes

Last week I had the great idea to make a rag garland for a tree I'm putting in my front yard. I bought all the stuff and cut up all the pieces of material. I was good to go. Then I started putting it together and realized that this was going to take a lot longer than I expected. It's also keeping me from doing my weekend chores. Ha. Right.

Now instead of a nice long garland, I have a medium sized one for my living room. You know what? I freaking love this thing! I think it looks awesome on my great grandpa's trunk with the old window on it. 

Truly, all you have to do is get some yarn or twine and tie material on, pushing  down as you go. Easy Peasy. It also takes some patience if you have dogs who like to chew on things you are working on, but once you find your rhythm and kick the dogs outside, it's a snap.

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